Friday, July 3, 2009

the perfect date....

noel inspired me to daydream about me a copy cat....i dont care.

Jesus walked out while i was layin there in my swim suit soaking up the colorado sun. He smiles and stretches then sprawls out in the lawn chair next to me. He is tall...and perfectly not good looking. but my heart beats as he sits down next to me....i love this man. we get past small talk...and i tell him my heart still hurts. He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes, "i know. i promise, it will get better." his hand stays on my arm, his smile grows. i think Jesus loves dark skin, he is of his best ideas.
we walked in the woods, i told him i love his creation and dont understand how people can live without seeing some of these things, like always being in the city. he told me that he has creation in the city too... hmmmm.
i told him i am scared for my brother. his face looked sad, there was silence, no emotion besides pain. he told me he was sad too, but he always has hope. he reminded me of the 99 and 1. we sat there...hopeful, tears streaming down our cheeks.
we talked about Gods wrath...i told him how the other parts of him seem to cover that up, but im still scared of it....for many reasons.
we layed under the stars in silence....i love the stars....
it was a good day...

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