Thursday, July 2, 2009

Frontier Airlines= ruby slippers!

I had the most amazing flight back home last night. It is always in those times where you are getting upset or frustrated that you get blown away. I was starting to get upset...we just sitting there...on the runway, getting ready to go, but not moving! frustrated, especially when your parents are waitin only 45 minutes away. But once we took off, my eyes were opened. I was preparing myself to sleep, but God had another plan. The clouds rushed by as we continued upwards... You know when you are sitting on the ground looking up and there are a lot of clouds but you can see the moon shining thru...get on a plane!!! DO IT! The moon is absolutely amazing from the other side!! The clouds look like grape cotton candy, delisious enough to eat...but i dont like grape flavored anything...anyways! i was sitting there thinking...'wow, i feel like im flying' then i had to stop myslef from laughing out loud becuase...well i was flying. yeah...the penalties of stayin up to late...and such.
but there is something about the moon. there just is, i want so much to explain in...but i cant, there are no words. But God's creation is amazing and catches me off guard so offten. i was loving Jesus so much last night as i sat next to the most random old cowboy who clutched his cowboy hat in his hands, the girls behind me talked on and on about twilight until i put my headphones, and this only added to what i saw. There always needs to be a soundtrack to what you do....always! i think next time i hear those songs....i will think of that night.
I am blessed and i know it and better yet, i dont deserve any of this! My God is good and He is amazing. I am so loved, by Him, by family, by people; and i love them all back... i only wish i was better at expressing it. What if people could connect the way God and i did last night as i looked at his creation and longed to know him better...what if people could understand that. If you could feel loved and satisfied from me looking at the moon and loving it... that blows my mind. i think i do this in some small ways. i am a people watcher....i love to do it. but even if i am driving 70 miles an hour down a high way the person in front of me sticks their hand out the window and plays with the wind, i find extreme joy in that, there is an element of thrill. I do this everday, with almost everone. people are beautiful, you just have to look, and love follows.

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