Monday, February 22, 2010

Things I Wish...

1. i wish i would have practiced not showering because this is ridiculous...being good at being dirty would have been great by now.
2. i wish i knew where that damn cockroach went that i half will probably haunt me.
3. i wish i was better with my words
4. i wish i had more control of my mind
5. i wish i was a musician
6. i wish fear was not a part of me
7. i wish i had a super power
8. i wish life was a little more like i could figure it out
9. i wish i understood what you were thinking
10. i wish i could speak my mind
11. i wish i had a little more substance to me
12. i wish i had never cheated on anything in my life
13. i wish i wouldnt have given my heart away so many times
14. i wish i could really wish upon a star
15. i wish traveling by air didnt involve really large scary metal things
16. i wish i knew what i wanted to do for the rest of my life
17. i wish there wasnt a label or definition for everything in life
18. i wish my eyes were a camera...and my mind had film in it
19. i wish that just hanging on was not an option
20. i wish i didnt have a list of things i wish i didnt do
21. i wish my eye would stop twitching
22. i wish i spoke more languages
23. i wish you would never hurt
24. i wish smiles were permanent and there was no sadness
25. i wish osmosis worked with books
26. i wish i could fix things
27. i wish i took more baths
28. i wish i liked red wine more
29. i wish i was more adventurous
30. i wish the world was a big coffee shop
31. i wish sprite commercials were true
32. i wish i could sleep on my own
33. i wish people just understood
34. i wish that i could change these dark months
35. i wish i could take things back
36. i wish nica and the ppines were closer...much closer
37. i wish i never would have been made at you was a waste of time
38. i wish that we wouldnt have to learn the hard way
39. i wish i always had the perfect song for the perfect moment
40. i wish that there was some seriousness about world peace
41. i wish that i didnt have instant replay in my head...i think
42. i wish pictures came with a thousand words
43. i wish i had more skin so i could have more tattoos
44. i wish people didnt look down on you for having tattoos
45. i wish i could write a book
46. i wish that not sleeping wasnt always such a bad thing for you
47. i wish that fortune cookies tasted better
48. i wish bugs wouldnt bite
49. i wish that i could be the person i see
50. i wish...

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