Sunday, September 20, 2009

sooo its been awhile

good or not sure. if i would have been writing all that i have been feeling these last 4-5 would have been full of profanity, anger and hopelessness. but God is good...and God is faithful.

i have learned: life goes on. no matter what. and that is a good thing. if life stopped at every little "life stopping thing" then who would be living? we all go through it and thats the point....we all go THROUGH it. as in...we make it to the other side! its bearable...i promise....whatever it is....

you go through bad things so you know what good is. im convinced. thats the way God is. and its awesome....and i love it...and Him ...a lot.

my words of wisdom:
be careful who you give your heart away to...they may not deserve it.
be careful what you trust yourself can be your worst enemy.
be careful what you put your mind to...or at least make sure it is something you really want.
be careful of how you 'let go' of may involve someone elses heart....or yours...even worse.
be careful of how you think of yourself. im convinced you should be your number 1 fan.
be careful where you
be careful where you
be careful where you

i think you got it.
just be careful
it doesnt always turn out the way you think....but its the way its supposed to be.

and always remember....God is there...and He WANTS to be there....thats the best part.

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