Thursday, March 12, 2009


To be dependent for support, help, or supply: relies on her parents for tuition.
To place or have faith or confidence: relied on them to tell him the truth.
To depend confidently; put trust in

There are way to many things in your life today that you can rely on. We turn to and rely on everything that will give us our momentary highs. We look to the world and the things of the world just to make us happy. It is because we are such a demanding world, instant satisfaction is our goal in almost everything we do. We walk around looking for ice cream cones; something sweet that will soon just melt away.
When we search after the things that will not fill us up we end up feeling emptier than before. We put a lot into what ever we are searching for; as humans we know how to give 100% to what we want. So I guess that means we need to know what we really want! We need to set our eyes on one thing, we need to make a choice and stick to it.
It seems what ever I write always goes this direction, but maybe it is for a reason.
We as people can not look to people for anything. When we do we will be let down, it’s a given and its simple. We need more in life than what people will say or do for us, but there is the flip side of that where we do need people around us. I guess it comes down to if you are depending on the people around you for more than you are depending on God for. If you turn to people before you turn to God, if you look for those sweet nothings that soon fade away, but still feeling empty, your turning to the wrong thing. When we completely turn to him and look fully to him for all we need, then we will start to feel full and content. One thing God does not promise, is an easy life, it is easy to say that when you look to God you will fell better, more full. But when you are in a hard spot in life, that is the true test. When hardships come and you can still look at God, without anger or hate, then you know that you have looked to the right thing, as he promised, the thing that will last.
This is a challenge, its not the easiest thing to figure out, but as humans we are capable of going hard after something we want. When we chose God he will spur us on and feed the fire that keeps us pressing towards him.